Marketing experts passionate about the absolute success of their clients.
Qualitative, Quantitative, Creative, Ethnological, Sensory, individual or collective, offline or online, digital or traditional..
PNL, Hypnose, EMDR, Sémiotique.
. Men, women, children (from junior to senior).
. Business (from the CEO to the technician to the worker).
. Doctors (general practitioners and specialists)
Example of theme
Concept, Design, Digital, Taste, Image, New Products, Logos, Names, Notoriety.
We are marketing experts passionate about the absolute success of their clients.
We advise our clients after conducting market research based on qualitative, quantitative AND innovative market research methods in France and internationally..
Administrative and Financial Headquarters LAMCO
2 rue Saint-Paul 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
France SAS to the capital of 250 000 €
RCS 304 952 443 00030 Lisieux
TVA intracommunautaire FR 9530495244300048