Legal Notice

Site ownership and editorial responsibility

You are on the site. The purpose of this site is to provide you with free information concerning the activities of the association.

Site name: ActFuture
Site URL:

Site owner: ActFuture

Phone: 01 88 32 15 69
Email address: [email protected]

Publication of the site:

Responsible for publication: Madame FABRY Isabelle
Site webmaster: Instants Web Agency – Mr DESMIS Philippe

Accommodation :


Information contained in this site:

The information on this site is only indicative and neither its content nor its accuracy can be guaranteed. This information does not bind Act Future contractually. Actfuture reserves the right to modify the information contained on this site without notice.

Personal data :

The data collected on this site is processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016; Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
This site uses forms. The data collected by ActFuture on these forms are intended exclusively for internal use.

All personal information collected on this site, whether mandatory or optional, is intended solely for the internal services of Act Future and is in no case subject to exchange or resale to external organizations whatsoever. be.

You have the right to access, rectify and obtain a copy of this data; to erasure (or “oblivion”); to limit the processing of their personal data; notification; opposition, except “legitimate and compelling reasons” such as processing for statistical purposes, historical or scientific research; not to be the subject of a legal decision based on automated processing; portability to information about you.

To exercise this right, contact the data protection officer of the CNIL,

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This entire site is covered by French legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved there, including documents that you can download, illustrations, multimedia files and videos.

Reproduction of all or part of this site is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of the director of the publication. If you wish to use all or part of this site, contact ActFuture, specifying what specific content you wish to reproduce, in what context and on what media.

Photo / illustration / animation / music / video credits: All rights reserved.

Hypertext links:

The hypertext links contained in this site which refer to sites other than those administered by ActFuture do not engage the responsibility of ActFuture as to the content of these sites and the durability of these links.

Any natural or legal person wishing a link to be established from his site to an ActFuture site can do so without requesting authorization. However, ActFuture disclaims all liability in this case and does not guarantee the durability of the link.

Any natural or legal person wishing to establish a link from this site to their own must make a request to ActFuture.

Malfunction and viruses:

ActFuture can in no way be held responsible for direct or indirect damage observed on your computer while you are browsing our sites, whether this damage is physical, electronic or software.

Contact Us
Administrative and Financial Headquarters LAMCO 2, rue Saint-Paul 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine - France SARL to the capital of 250 000 € RCS 75 B 304 952 443 00030
16, rue André Gide 75015 Paris 0033(0)1 88 32 15 69
6, rue Confort 69002 Lyon 0033(0)4 28 29 85 31
9, rue des Lilas 31000 Toulouse 0033(0)4 28 29 85 31
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