A creation ? A perfume ? A music ? A pack ? A logo ? ActFuture deposits in your name, the ideas created for you, via its services. And this, in the 26 countries of the Schengen area. We are talking about it ? Thank you. Read the article.
A creation ? A perfume ? A music ? A pack ? A logo ? ActFuture deposits in your name, the ideas created for you, via its services. And this, in the 26 countries of the Schengen area. We are talking about it ? Thank you. Read the article.
The Esomar foundation launches a support for our Ukrainian partners. Link for donation above. THANK YOU for your help. And please relay our communication. Thank you.
What future and solutions for data protection from the world to Europe and vice versa? Will we be limited? How to anticipate? THANK YOU to Kim Smouter-Umans for his answers and Thierry Semblat of MR News for his welcome.
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Market Research dans le monde d’après, avec Isabelle Fabry