Start-up and Market Research

There are many qualitative study methodologies, the best known being: group meetings - or focus groups, face-to-face interviews, and all ethnographic methods such as direct or indirect observation, ...

New service or product projects require speed, discretion, responsiveness, flexibility and creativity. This new service offering provides entrepreneurs with a quick and complete solution. In practice, a short format, in “Team Action” mode to be available and very responsive, a little seniority, a lot of proximity and sharing of ideas, flexibility, mobility and finally discretion because our customers often have innovative projects.

The first floor

Managed by Actfuture, allows for effective market research, quickly confirming intuitions, readjusting the line of fire, opening up new horizons through the analysis and good restitution of the best business options in the target market. “This key step allows our clients to save time but above all to sharpen their ideas in order to move in the right direction” confides Isabelle Fabry.

The second floor

Led by a Lean Start Up expert, Start Ups accelerator, with identification of needs, customer constraints and validation of the Business Model.

The third floor

Led by Apollo21 for the realization of tools and marketing communication. “We are working upstream together with our clients and Isabelle to take the best trajectory for the creation of the brand, its universe and the proper implementation of priority creative actions and tools” adds Bertrand Le Bris, associate director of Apollo21, who co-pilot the board. , creation and marketing communication tools.

"Fly You to the Moon”

The “Fly You to the Moon” service offer also has an originality which is to offer competitive prices because of the short formats and the adaptation of the right size of the team in charge of each project. For more information: 2 business relay points covering the north and the south of France: Isabelle Fabry, associate director and privileged contact Région Lyonnaise and Bertrand Le Bris Director, main contact for the Paris region are at your disposal to explain the key points of this Marketing and communication service offer.

Concrete example. Lyon, Paris April 13, 2018 – Small or large human adventures are born from an idea but above all exist thanks to the good execution of the key stages during their launches.

The very last mission that we carried out allowed our client through a tailor-made offer to validate the relevance of the idea of the service with the target market but also to create and deploy within short deadlines, the essential marketing and communication kits.

The customer was thus able to launch his APP on time, despite a very tight countdown. Whether it is innovative or original personal services, cloud business services, ……, the Internet of Things, demanding renewable energy customers, we take advantage of the diversity of our past experiences and the rigor of our processes while preserving the flexibility and responsiveness essential to any “Start Up” type project.


Isabelle Fabry : 06 60 45 87 60  |

Bertrand Le Bris : 06 25 85 26 56 |

Miller Solutions
HR, Start Ups
Contact Us
Administrative and Financial Headquarters LAMCO 2, rue Saint-Paul 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine - France SARL to the capital of 250 000 € RCS 75 B 304 952 443 00030
16, rue André Gide 75015 Paris 0033(0)1 88 32 15 69
46, rue Victor Hugo 69002 Lyon 0033(0)4 28 29 85 31
9, place de Bologne B 313 31100 Toulouse 0033(0)4 28 29 85 31
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