
Market Research
Qualitative, Quantitative and Innovative


Market Research
Qualitative, Quantitative and Innovative


Market Research
Qualitative, Quantitative and Innovative


What is qualitative marketing marketing research ?

To set up qualitative marketing studies:

– Observation of consumption patterns

– Research into new consumer concepts

– Research into messages to be conveyed

– Research into the optimization of new products in the development phase

– Testing of advertising messages or product prototypes

– Exploration of the understanding of the customer-advertiser relationship

Why do research for your project, product or service ?

– Test your concept right from the start : Validate your idea with your target audience before launching anything.

– Confirm your targeting : Check whether your ideal customers are indeed those you imagine, or discover an unexpected segment !

– Identify expectations : Make sure the problem you’re solving is real, understand your prospects’ frustrations and needs.

In short, explore, test and adapt for a successful launch !

Understanding the habits : In what context do they need your offer ? What solutions or alternatives are they using today ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these solutions…

Analyze preferences : This is your opportunity to ask your future prospects what they prefer. Understand their tastes, so you can adapt your product or service. Design, features, etc…

Get feedback : You’ll be able to present your product to hundreds of people, and let them tell you what they think. What they like, what they don’t like, what they’d like…

More generally, quantitative research allows us to take a step back and limit the impact of bad intuitions. You get an objective and representative vision of your market. While validating key points of your project.

Qualitative research : what are the options ?

There are several qualitative methods for exploring your market :

– Focus groups : rich group discussions.

– One-to-one interviews : to go in-depth with each participant.

– Ethnographic methods : observe your customers directly in their environment.

Each method provides unique insights, perfect for fine-tuning your marketing strategy !

Focus Groups : the art of co-creation !

– Focus groups bring together 6 to 10 consumers for live discussions. Guided by a moderator, participants bounce ideas off each other, share their feelings, and pave the way for new ideas.

– It’s a collective brainstorm that multiplies perspectives and reveals powerful insights !

Focus groups : a creative tool to support your strategy.

Face-to-face interviews : get to the heart of your feelings !

Face-to-face interviews enable us to get to the heart of a consumer. In a direct exchange, the interviewer captures their emotions, deciphers their attitudes, and instantly rebounds on their answers.

With a question guide, the interview becomes an intimate dialogue, revealing personal insights and unique perspectives.

Individual interviews : for authentic feedback and in-depth understanding.

Face-to-face interviews establish a direct connection between the interviewer and the consumer.

The objective ? To gain an in-depth understanding of attitudes, impressions and behaviors around a specific topic.

Guided by a set of questions, the interviewer can bounce back on answers in real time, exploring opinions and personal feelings.

One-to-one interviews: for authentic insights and rich exchanges.

Online qualitative research : connect to insights !

Online qualitative research offers two practical formats :

1- Online forum : 6 to 10 participants meet in a virtual room moderated by a moderator. As in a traditional focus group, they exchange views, react and share their opinions. The moderator guides the discussion by asking targeted questions for around 1h30.

With online studies, capture opinions in real time and explore perspectives from anywhere !

2. The online diary: follow your customers on a daily basis !

Like a diary, participants fill in an online form every day, answering the interviewer’s questions. This follow-up can last a week, two weeks or more, providing a precise view of their daily habits. The online diary reveals variations in usage from day to day, and makes it possible to analyze behavior over time.

As well as bringing together participants from far and wide, online surveys guarantee anonymity, which frees people to speak out. Consumers confide in us without a filter, for deep, authentic insights !

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