New year, new momentum: ActFuture becomes Act Our Future!

Dazzling collaboration with
Elephant Park
We are delighted to share exciting news: Act Our Future joins forces with the Mekong Elephant Park in an innovative conservation effort. This alliance marks a decisive turning point towards a greener, more sustainable future.

Your Like has Power
With a simple click, you can make a significant difference. Every ‘like’ on this post converts into €1 donated directly to the Mekong Elephant Park. It’s a simple but powerful action to protect the Mekong’s iconic elephants.

Amplify your impact
For those who wish to go further, every donation via our special link multiplies our impact in favor of these majestic beings. What’s more, for every donation of €100 or more, you’ll receive an exclusive photo of one of the park’s elephants, a gesture of gratitude for your generosity.

2024: United for the Good of Our Planet
Together, let’s celebrate 2024 with concrete actions for our Earth. Every gesture counts and creates a tangible impact.
Happy New Year from the Act Our Future team!

Thank you
for the brilliant creation

Contact Us
Administrative and Financial Headquarters LAMCO

2 rue Saint-Paul 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine

France SAS to the capital of 250 000 €

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16, rue André Gide 75015 Paris 0033(0)1 88 32 15 69
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