Being an Esomar member means developing your network.

The European Society of Opinion and MarketingResearch ( ESOMAR) is an international institution dedicated to the continuous improvement of market research and decision-making.

The European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR) is the international institution responsible for managing and monitoring market research efforts.

Since its creation in 1948, this institution has brought together a large number of marketing and market research professionals from all over the world.

Get in touch with over 40,000 professionals from more than 130 countries. Benefit from their expertise and advice. Meet them online and in person, and discover the trends you need to know.

You can become a leader in a community that is shaping the future of knowledge, and influence the direction of your community with full voting rights at our general meetings.

MyESOMAR community platform

Building relationships within your community starts with harnessing the power of your MyESOMAR community platforms. These are digital tools that you can access from anywhere in the world to find fellow members who can further your goals.

They give you access to all your online benefits. Most importantly, they allow you to participate in peer-to-peer exchanges with our members and take part in group discussions in a safe and secure environment.

Numerous networking options

Launched at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, our Community Circles are interactive online sessions that bring our global community together to discuss hot and emerging topics. These open-mic sessions let you lead or take part in conversations. We cover a wide range of topics, from the operational problems you face to strategic issues in your sector.

Alongside these circles, we organize a rich program of members-only events, both online and face-to-face, to inspire you on an ongoing basis.

Extensive national networks

With fellow members in 130 countries, you’re sure to find a friend anywhere in the world. Making the first contact can sometimes be difficult. To facilitate these connections, ESOMAR members volunteer as national representatives. They put you in touch with the local community and take the initiative in organizing events and initiatives in their respective countries.

We work with partner associations in over 60 countries to promote your local communities, monitor changing needs and launch initiatives to safeguard your interests worldwide.

Global job board

Whether you’re looking to recruit new talent to your organization, or take the next step in your career, ESOMAR’s Global Job Board offers you a rich portal of job opportunities worldwide. It is available as part of your membership.

The ESOMAR community is a unique pool of talent, accustomed to working at an international level. Like you, their knowledge and adherence drive them to follow global standards for leading data, research and insights projects.

Contact Us
Administrative and Financial Headquarters LAMCO

2 rue Saint-Paul 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine

France SAS to the capital of 250 000 €

RCS 304 952 443 00030 Lisieux

TVA intracommunautaire FR 9530495244300048
16, rue André Gide 75015 Paris 0033(0)1 88 32 15 69
6, rue Confort 69002 Lyon 0033(0)4 28 29 85 31
9, rue des Lilas 31000 Toulouse 0033(0)4 28 29 85 31
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