« Together we will overcome the Covid Storm » #TogetherWeAreStronger. ActFuture & Esomar France.


« Together we will overcome the Covid Storm » #TogetherWeAreStronger. Message ActFuture & Esomar France délivré dans le cadre du « The Research Club « Big Christmas Party » 15th December 2020″

On the night we’ll have:

> Big Christmas Quiz – prizes for 1st 2nd 3rd places

> Live video Chat lounge with Topical conversation

> Christmas Cocktail Sessions with our Mixologist

> ‘Secret Santa’ Random prizes

> Live Artist painting a ’topical’ piece

> Live International DJs, music and dance

> Late Lounge

> Late Texas Hold’em

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0033(0)1 88 32 15 69
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0033(0)4 28 29 85 31
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